Wednesday 24 June 2009

White helmet wearers on TV


Stop hogging the limelight on telly when a tv crew are following you around for documentaries.

You never use a hose at a job, you're an incident commander, so don't do it just because you're on telly.

Monday 22 June 2009


After taking advice from someone in the know I've decided to go anonynous. Sensible I think.
So anyone who saw my first couple of posts and my profile will know who I am but from here on in I'm keeping my identity schtum!
I'm doing the right thing as in this day and age freedom of speech is seen as a crime, and I'd be punished for some of the things that may get said on here.

The idea of this blog, hopefully as it picks up, is to give people an idea of what it's like on the inside of a British Emergency Service in the 21st century.

Some of it will be positive but the stuff I intend to bring up are the trivialities and "uncommon sense" things that I encounter.

Like I've said allready, I love my job and don't want to lose it. I don't intend to "moan" about anything, just highlight discussion points and stand-out events.

So it's anonymous from now on!

Health and safety....ooh, dangerous topic!

We haven't inspected fire hydrants for a long time, probably two/three years.
Now when we need to use them, sometimes they are full of silt and mud, they are damaged or unusable or their marker plates are missing so they're difficult to locate in the first place. So, why don't we inspect them anymore??

Here's why.....because we aren't "trained" to walk into the carriageway of a road to access a hydrant, inspect it and test it. Funny how we used to be a few years ago.....and for many, many years before.

But if somethings on fire then we can run into a road, stop traffic, etc. Apparently this idea that we aren't trained to safely work on a road comes straight out of Brussels.

What's that all about?

It's a shame we can't be trusted to cross the road without someone holding our hands....especially to uphold the maintenance of vital equipment.

DISCLAIMER....this is not a direct reflection on my employers. It aint thier fault either.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Well, this is me in my firekit. I might chat about that later for any fire-geeks like me.

Currently on the 2nd day of 4 off, back to work on Saturday.

Saturday is floor day, deep joy. The crew have to sweep and mop all the floors in the fire station...yawn. I'll be willing for a fire-call.

Welcome to my first ever blog!

Welcome one and all to my first ever blog. I am a firefighter in West Yorkshire, UK, and I have decided to start a blog to record my musings, thoughts, tales and anything to do with incidents I have attended.

Of course, I have to be sensible what I disclose as I could get in bother at work. I hope you enjoy reading, maybe we'll have a laugh.